Weaning, Weaning Stage 1 Neo Khama Weaning, Weaning Stage 1 Neo Khama

First Tastes and Foods

This is the first of a series of four blog posts about weaning, which I hope will clearly lead you through the first year of food with your baby. All babies are different and what works for one baby, may not work for another. Everything from their appetites, sensitivities to taste and touch, will vary. So my key piece of advice is to be flexible and adapt your baby meal plan as you go. Trust your instincts as a parent: you know your baby best.

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Weaning, Weaning Stage 1 Neo Khama Weaning, Weaning Stage 1 Neo Khama

Weaning, Foods to Avoid

Sometimes the hardest thing about starting to feed your baby, is knowing what not to feed your baby. Our partner, paediatric dietician, Bianca Parau has put together this helpful list of what foods to avoid. I recommend reading this before you get started on your weaning journey.

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