Strawberry Pavlova
No recipe sums up my mother’s cooking more to me than her meringues. She went through a real phase, a 30 year phase (give or take), where she made meringues monthly. Her kitchen wasn’t complete without a wicker basket full of meringues on the side somewhere. I’m using her version here to made this impressive pavlova and it is much easier to make than you would think. She would more likely have served this with fresh berries from the garden.
6 egg whites (3/4 cup)
2 cups sugar
1 1/2 tsp lemon juice
to serve
whipped cream, ice cream, your favourite berries
Heat oven to 130C fan oven. Beat egg whites until relatively stiff, holding peaks. Gradually beat in 1 cup of sugar. Mix in the lemon juice, and then gradually beat in the remaining sugar in increments. The mixture should be glossy and voluminous. Bake in little (or large) dolloping swirls on greaseproof paper until delicately browned and crusty 90 minutes minimum. Cool.
Remove from the pan and serve filled with ice cream, whipped cream, and plenty of red berries.